Safety Info

It's all about you...

Your welfare, health and safety are important to me. Before you undertake any class, I want to make sure the sessions you choose are right for you and tailored to your needs.

Want to talk?

It can be daunting when you are starting your fitness journey, especially if you have medical conditions or have suffered from ill-health. If you want to discuss any issues in more detail, send me your details and I will get back to you!

What is a PAR-Q Form?

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) is designed to determine an individual’s safety when starting a new exercise plan. Most people can start a exercise plan without worry; however, some people may require a preliminary health check to ensure that they are taking on the right level of activity for their medical condition.

A PAR-Q highlights any medical conditions a client may need to speak to their GP about and that I may need to take into consideration during classes.

Complete my Form

What is an Informed Consent form?

An Informed Consent form tells you about what you are going to be involved in at the class - and it also explains the risks and benefits of participating. This is part of your PAR-Q Form (it's on the back!) and needs to be signed and returned before you start your class.

Complete my Form
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