SG Fitness Pilates

Fitness Pilates Small Group Training

Small group sessions are ideal for women who are new to Fitness Pilates and may lack confidence in attending a larger class.

They are also a great solution if you like exercising in a group, but want individual advice and a programme tailored to your needs.

How does it work?

Before starting a small group programme, I will complete a personal lifestyle assessment and postural analysis with you individually. This will help me design a programme that meets your individual needs, as well as those of other participants in your group.

Working in a small group (a maximum of four participants) allows me to observe you whilst you are performing the exercises, giving you guidance to improve your technique and make modifications to suit your needs.

Fitness Pilates small group training can keep you motivated and accountable. If you book a small group setting with friends, it's a great way of socialising and keeping fit at the same time.

Check out the dates for the next Fitness Pilates small group training session here.

Fitness Pilates Small Group Training



If you prefer working on a one to one basis, check out my personal training options. Click here for more details.

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