The answer depends on the severity of your symptoms. Here's a guide to navigating exercise when you're not feeling your best:
Listen to Your Body: This is the golden rule. If you feel miserable, achy, or feverish, rest is your best bet. Pushing yourself too hard can actually prolong your illness and potentially lead to complications.
Focus on "Above the Neck" Symptoms: If your symptoms are confined to your head and neck – a runny nose, congestion, sneezing, or mild sore throat – gentle exercise might be okay. Low-impact activities like walking, yoga, or light cardio can help loosen congestion and even boost your mood.
Skip the "Below the Neck" Blues: If your cold has migrated "below the neck" with symptoms like chest congestion, hacking cough, upset stomach, or muscle aches, exercise is a no-go. These symptoms indicate your body is already fighting hard, and exercise adds extra stress.
Hydration is Key: Even with mild symptoms, hydration is crucial. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to prevent dehydration, which can worsen cold symptoms.
Consider the "Neck Check": A popular rule of thumb suggests a "neck check" to determine if exercise is appropriate. If your symptoms are mostly above the neck, you might be okay with a low-impact workout. However, if the symptoms have moved below the neck, prioritise rest.
Remember: When in doubt, err on the side of caution. Resting for a day or two won't derail your fitness goals, but pushing yourself when sick can lead to a longer recovery. Listen to your body, prioritise rest when needed, and you'll be back to crushing your workouts in no time!